A podcast about gender, identity, orientation, and all the life that happens around them! George is an FtM transgender man, Jess is his pansexual genderqueer wife; they talk parenting, work, and such.

Saturday Oct 19, 2013
TPT#32 - Bad Humour and NewOld Endo
Saturday Oct 19, 2013
Saturday Oct 19, 2013
When you need to cope with difficult circumstances, it's useful to be able to laugh about them. Raising special needs kids is often frustrating and exhausting, and we occasionally make jokes that would, out of context, be absolutely horrifying. George felt that it would be best to clarify that when we say awful evil horrible things about our children, we don't really mean it, we're just making one another laugh.

Saturday Oct 12, 2013
TPT#31 - STP'ing
Saturday Oct 12, 2013
Saturday Oct 12, 2013
Now that the question of which bathroom to use is fairly settled for George, he's started researching various Stand-To-Pee devices. Links to the two he's used are up at TransPanTastic.net. After discussing the specific items he's begun familiarizing himself with, we delved deeper into the topic of gender dysphoria, and George is very thankful that while he would very much appreciate the experience of having genitalia that matched his gender, he does not feel the need to utilize prostheses to assist in managing the discongruity.

Saturday Oct 05, 2013
TPT#30 - Back To Work
Saturday Oct 05, 2013
Saturday Oct 05, 2013
Returning to work after three weeks of leave can be daunting, but the results of surgery and changes from five months on testosterone have probably affected that process, and George's colleagues have been, on the whole, supportive and encouraging. Meanwhile, the kids are still extra-special, and Jess is slightly peeved that George made her put clothes on but is otherwise content.

Saturday Sep 28, 2013
TPT#29 - Work Fix?
Saturday Sep 28, 2013
Saturday Sep 28, 2013
"THE LETTER" has been sent. Finally. Everyone who responded has been supportive, and now George can get back to work, which is a good thing. His boss and colleagues have been covering his workload while he's been out, and they're very ready to be done with that.

Saturday Sep 21, 2013
TPT#28 - Work Woes
Saturday Sep 21, 2013
Saturday Sep 21, 2013

Saturday Sep 14, 2013
TPT#27 - Post-Operative Productivity
Saturday Sep 14, 2013
Saturday Sep 14, 2013

Saturday Sep 07, 2013
TPT#26 - Pre-Operative Problem-Solving
Saturday Sep 07, 2013
Saturday Sep 07, 2013

Saturday Aug 31, 2013
TPT#25 - Testosterone Changes Everything.
Saturday Aug 31, 2013
Saturday Aug 31, 2013
After four months on testosterone, George's body has begun to change. From voice to body hair to skin texture, he's much more manly. Or at least more teenage-boy-ly. Even more interesting than his physical changes, though, is the way his changing appearance changes the way others interact with him.

Saturday Aug 24, 2013
TPT#24 - Kindergarten Dad
Saturday Aug 24, 2013
Saturday Aug 24, 2013

Saturday Aug 17, 2013
TPT#23 - Holy Absurdity, Petman!
Saturday Aug 17, 2013
Saturday Aug 17, 2013
Life is crazy. Kids are definitely crazymaking, but sometimes the pets are worse. Or maybe they're better, depending on your attitude and preferred level of crazy. Our three dogs are in their twilight years, and it shows. A is a deaf and senile, B is blind, and C is just kinda stupid. They're all expensive, but the kids love them and they had George before Jess did so she'll let them stay.

Saturday Aug 10, 2013
TPT#22 - Friends and Family?
Saturday Aug 10, 2013
Saturday Aug 10, 2013
George likes the family he was born with, Jess is often confused by that. Even so, they both like the family they have chosen for themselves, and the friends they choose to fill their lives with. Watching our friends and family adapt to new pronouns and secondary sex characteristics, often subconsciously changing their own patterns of interaction, has been an interesting exercise in sociology.

Saturday Aug 03, 2013
TPT#21 - Doctor, Doctor!
Saturday Aug 03, 2013
Saturday Aug 03, 2013
Sometimes our life is amazing. We have great kids, good jobs, supportive friends, and most importantly each other. But then something comes up that overshadows everything else, causes stress, and keeps us from enjoying the rest of life. Lately, that something has been health care. For many trans* folk, medical transition is a struggle to access, and George's experiences with trying to get his medical needs met have been a trial. The stress of it has been huge, and the hormonal roller coaster won't quit until his dosage is fixed. Unfortunately, the MDeity isn't listening, so he found another doctor with a slightly different outlook. Will things be different? We'll see.

Saturday Jul 27, 2013
TPT#20 - More Comings Out...
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
... or is that coming outs? George expressed his identity to a family friend who happens to be his boss. As his boss, she was able to begin checking into the employer's needs, but we were more interested that family friends be aware of the situation, as we were planning on telling the kids. We want them to be able to talk through and process this as needed over the summer, and grandpas and aunties should probably hear it from us first! The kids, however, seemed more interested in ice cream than in their "new" dad.

Saturday Jul 20, 2013
TPT#19 - Wedding Weekend
Saturday Jul 20, 2013
Saturday Jul 20, 2013
George & Jess went to Seattle, home of the Space Needle, GenderCast, the Seahawks, lots of rain, and our good friends who just got married! The trip was George's first time going "full time", and it was, overall, a positive experience. From the Trans*101 talk we stumbled into, to the gorgeous wedding, to the drag king show, a fun time was had by all.

Saturday Jul 13, 2013
TPT#18 - Everything but the Kitchen Sink
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
Our conversation today was a bit rambly, as is our life often. First we indulge in a little ratings-whoring, so please rate us on iTunes, follow our twitter, tumblr, facebook, google+ (all listed in-site as "TransPanTastic"), and leave comments on our site! We then proceed to discuss positive things about our kids (they're not always rant-making), our upcoming trip to Seattle for a friend's wedding, and healthcare/self-care for HRT and surgery plans.

Saturday Jul 06, 2013
TPT#17 - Six Weeks on 'T'
Saturday Jul 06, 2013
Saturday Jul 06, 2013
"You mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring, while I assure you the truth is precisely the opposite." Spock's words in the most recent Star Trek movie fit a metaphor we've used for a few years, when hitting the off-switch on one's feelings to logically assess and address a situation. So at the risk of starting to sound like a YouTube channel, we continue the testosterone updates, but through the magic of the interweb, one week after our "one month" episode, we reach "six weeks" of HRT. This week we learn that George is not only becoming a pansy, but a pointy-eared logical vulcan, and a caveman as well, complete with body hair and toilet humor.

Saturday Jun 29, 2013
TPT#16 - One Month on 'T'
Saturday Jun 29, 2013
Saturday Jun 29, 2013
At just over a month on testosterone, George has just had his third injection. We discuss the ups and downs of the injection cycle, and how that experience has affected George so far, and how Jess is dealing with poking him in the rear on a fortnightly basis.

Saturday Jun 22, 2013
TPT#15 - Here Be Swears.
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Holy smallfolk, Batman! Kids make Jess swear. And to be fair, there's a lot to swear about. Extra-special needs, autism, developmental delays, occupational therapy, public school nonsense, and trying to juggle careers and transition in the meanwhile, make us very busy and occasionally frustrated.

Saturday Jun 15, 2013
TPT#14 - Coming Out!
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
We had to cut a significant amount of content from this episode, from personally identifying information to lots of throat-clearing as George's vocal cords start to thicken as a result of testosterone. And speaking of testosterone, now that the medical part of George's transition has gotten underway it's time to start informing friends and family. You never know how people will take the news that their child, friend, or sibling will be changing gender, but George's experiences so far, with the few people he's had "the talk" with, have been fairly positive.

Saturday Jun 08, 2013
TPT#13 - At Last!
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
We run almost a full half-hour today, as George finally had his appointment at the itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka-dot gender clinic, and he finally gets testosterone. Recorded just shy of a week on T, we discuss our initial impressions of his new experience.

Saturday Jun 01, 2013
TPT#12 - Be Realistic!
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
A trip to IKEA, and a bathroom snafu on the way home, made us think about how important it is to be realistic. George finds it important and helpful to see the world and his own place in it from a range of viewpoints, both to effectively present himself as he is at this early stage of transition (still pre-everything), and to map out a plan or timeline for effectively managing the process of transition when he, like many trans* folk, want it now!

Saturday May 25, 2013
TPT#11 - Transition Update, and Other Support
Saturday May 25, 2013
Saturday May 25, 2013
After a quick update on George's process toward medical transition (he's still waiting on any formal medical intervention), we discuss other support that we've found for this journey, both online and in person.

Saturday May 18, 2013
TPT#10 - We Are Sick!
Saturday May 18, 2013
Saturday May 18, 2013
With a family of five living in one house, when one of us gets sick we all get sick. But never at the same time. First child 2 brings it home from school, then it passes from person to person, and just as one of us gets better, another gets ill. As a family that prefers natural medicine over synthetic whenever possible, we seem to be managing pretty well.

Saturday May 11, 2013
TPT#9 - Unpacking Gender Baggage
Saturday May 11, 2013
Saturday May 11, 2013
This gender thing is complicated. The binary as a social construct is not entirely applicable to the entire range of human experience, and the terminology used within a binary system can be confusing or frustrating to individuals who don't fit their culturally expected roles. This week we discuss identity, pronouns, and how the recent shifts in George's presentation have affected the way others interact with him.

Saturday May 04, 2013
TPT#8 - George's 'Princess Man'
Saturday May 04, 2013
Saturday May 04, 2013
Last week was all-about-George week, but some of you have asked about the other half of our fine team. So this week Jess talks about herself and her experience as pansexual nonbinary/genderqueer quasi-femme.

Saturday Apr 27, 2013
TPT#7 - Transition + Biography = Trans-ography?
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
George talks about his life so far as trans*, from childhood up to now, answering the common question, "When did you know you were transgender?"

Saturday Apr 20, 2013
TPT#6 - I Can Haz Testosterone?
Saturday Apr 20, 2013
Saturday Apr 20, 2013
George finally gets to the endocrinologist, hoping to start T sooner than later, but she tells him to check with the surgeon. Surgeon? He hadn't scheduled with a surgeon yet. Whoops! Please forgive the page-flipping at the start, George is finding the right page in his notebook to read from.

Saturday Apr 13, 2013
TPT#5 - Effing Therapy...
Saturday Apr 13, 2013
Saturday Apr 13, 2013
While George waits for his appointment with the endocrinologist, he decides to visit a therapist. Family and friends are supportive, but an outside viewpoint can be helpful while we wait. The WPATH Standards Of Care and ICATH model of Informed Consent may not require therapy for gender transition anymore, but that doesn't mean that it isn't beneficial anyway. We can be found online at http://TransPanTastic.blogspot.com/, and you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Apr 06, 2013
TPT#4 - Unhelpful Queers, Helpful Insurance.
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Saturday Apr 06, 2013
Lily Tomlin, in character as Ernestine the Operator, once said "You must think HMO stands for 'Help Me Out'!" The endocrinologist's prettyboy receptionist was unhelpful and borderline obstructionist, to the point that a number of George's friends were expressing concerns about bigotry and discrimination. His insurance, however, wouldn't have any of it, and he's now (finally) on his way to an appointment with the endo. In other news, we've decided that since we have a lot to say lately, we're going to release every week for a month or so, and then get back to every other week when things settle back down.

Saturday Mar 30, 2013
TPT#3 - Parenting Is Hard.
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
We have kids. Three of them. Jess brought numbers one and three, George brought number two, to share a home for just over two years now. Numbers one and two are special-needs, and all three of them like to drive us crazy.

Saturday Mar 16, 2013
TPT#2 - Gyno Says What?
Saturday Mar 16, 2013
Saturday Mar 16, 2013
Between referrals and phone calls, George has to visit "that" doctor. Nobody likes visiting "that" doctor, and men least of all, but this one turns out to be surprisingly helpful!

Saturday Mar 02, 2013
TPT#1 - Here We Are!
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
In our inaugural episode, George discusses his transition, or lack thereof, so far. Also included: parenting, podcasting, and a throwaway reference to The Kills.