A podcast about gender, identity, orientation, and all the life that happens around them! George is an FtM transgender man, Jess is his pansexual genderqueer wife; they talk parenting, work, and such.

Saturday May 01, 2021
TPT#328 - Interested In Being Appalled
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
The ongoing prescription testosterone shortage is making it harder for many trans men to get their HRT, and George's change in prescription insurance plan has made it even more of a challenge. But we rarely back down for a challenge, and we never forget to tell y'all all about it.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Apr 17, 2021
TPT#327 - Social Aggrievances
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
With just under a decade of marriage, and just over a decade of partnership behind us, we still have things to learn about one another. Whether it's our patterns of thinking or our patterns of communication, we still have to continue working to become better partners for one another, and it's always interesting to consider how gender affects these patterns.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Apr 03, 2021
TPT#326 - All Kinds Of Stupid Things
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
The need to change in the car before taking Child#2 swimming made us think of things that George used to do more often before transition, like swimming and massages. Then, he reminisced on how his gender would have affected his family interactions when he was younger.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Mar 20, 2021
TPT#325 - It's Never Faded Into The Background.
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
After the endocrinologist increased George's testosterone dose, his blood work changed more than expected. When we talked that over with another friend, that person detailed experiences that made us both jealous.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Mar 06, 2021
TPT#324 - Like A Butch
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Because George works in health care, he was able to get vaccinated and is now able to start carefully going to do more things outside the house, like get a haircut. The experience was odd, partly because of not having gone to a barber since a pandemic ago, and partly because of gender. Between that, another job interview, and Child#0's partner considering transition, we had an interesting week.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Feb 20, 2021
TPT#323 - The Gender Is Baked In
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
After over seven years of transition, the ways gender affects our interactions often now function as "background noise", but sometimes we have cause to pay attention to them. Being on "staycation" in absence of our annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Doctor Who gave us a few of those opportunities.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Feb 06, 2021
TPT#322 - Don't Answer That
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
George's reaction to his second COVID-19 shot is making him rather miserable, but he still found time to sit down and talk a while about our recent experiences with the gynecologist, with exceedingly cisgender clients, and with the adult children of friends seeking relationship advice.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jan 23, 2021
TPT#321 - It's Going To Be Uncomfortable
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
George finally got back to the gynecologist, and it was as much of an adventure as one would expect.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jan 09, 2021
TPT#320 - Does That Mean We're Doing It Right?
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Many trans folks struggle to engage with their sense of adulthood when their adolescence was full of the "wrong" milestones. Many folks who grew up with trauma struggle to fully experience their sense of adulthood when they were engaging with responsibilities much earlier than many of their peers. We, as parents, struggle with both of these challenges while also trying to raise future adults.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Dec 26, 2020
TPT#319 -Now We Can Relax
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
When we scheduled our holiday celebrations early, we expected to be done with holiday stress early... which means we can get back to our normal un-holiday stress. George is preparing to go to the gynecologist, and that has caused him to pay more attention to other trans guys' online discussions of body dysphoria.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Dec 12, 2020
TPT#318 - Tangents and Rabbit Trails
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
George got his blood work, and with fewer moments of cringe than last time. Then he got an email that made his blood boil, but he is on "vacation" right now (using up leave time before it dissolves at year-end) so he's got time to chill.
Strongbad Emails are from the website Homestar Runner, at https://homestarrunner.com/.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
TPT#317 - Picture is Unrelated
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Festivus is almost a month away, but we have some grievances to air. George's testosterone is still difficult to obtain, then he got postal mail for his deadname from a university he attended NOT under that deadname. Jess has hard side-eye for Discovery's writers about unburying their queers again, and also for the "catering" service that didn't bother to heat their food before handing it off for Thanksgiving.
Picture is unrelated at knowyourmeme.com/memes/picture-unrelated.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Nov 14, 2020
TPT#316 - Disassembly Line
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Between Child#2's quarantine after potential COVID-19 exposure, and George's experience processing ballots for the election, life keeps moving along as George keeps noticing other short guys with less-angular features.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Oct 31, 2020
TPT#315 - How To Work A Zoom
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
As George was considering a potential promotion opportunity, he was also considering how his still-new-and-strange male privilege affected that prospective interview. Jess, on the other other hand, was considering how being out about their genderqueer status would make office interactions different in a potentially emotionally charged situation. We're both still working remotely, so that adds another layer of oddity to the entire situation, but we're making the best of it as we are able.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Oct 17, 2020
TPT#314 - The Next Right Thing
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Going to the doctor for "preventative maintenance" is usually a good idea, whether it's the flu shot or the gynecologist. Voting is also good "preventative maintenance" for our government, it doesn't solve all the problems but it can help prevent more problems.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
TPT#313 - Bits and Bobs
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
George got some feedback on his self-introduction coming-out, and Jess sat thru a racial equity training at work. These experiences made us think about our own social and political leanings, how they became what they are, how we instill our values in our children, and how those values contrast with the smallish town we live in.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Sep 19, 2020
TPT#312 - A Double Take or A Jaw Drop
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
A few weeks ago (Episode #310), we discussed George's preparation for his "all about me" presentation in his weekly meeting, at which he would come out as trans to his colleagues. Today, we recap that experience.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
TPT#311 - Waiting To Drive
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
With three working adults in our household, we are privileged to each have a car. But when all three cars break down at the same time, of course they picked the time for which Jess' hysterectomy was scheduled.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
TPT#310 - Start In The Middle
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
George has wanted, for a while now, to be more "out" at work. Recently a teambuilding activity was introduced that may provide him the opportunity, but an overthinker like him still struggles with making it happen.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
TPT#309 - Beer In A Jar
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Testosterone HRT has been known to thicken the blood, and George's hematocrit numbers are up. Jess is getting their hysterectomy, and also needs to manage their bloodwork, especially since their IUD hormones lowered their "good cholesterol" HDL. COVID-19 is making everything harder, and Jess' surgery is scheduled for the first week of school, but we'll muddle through like we always do.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jul 25, 2020
TPT#308 - Adulting Up
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
How do we help our child, who struggles to understand abstract concepts, realize that we won't like things just because they're about The Queers™? And when his other mom (who disappeared a year ago, after accusations of abuse didn't work out how she'd hoped) makes herself known again, how do we respond? And how do we help any other human ever, recognize the difference between fault and responsibility? Hard questions require ridiculous and horrible coping humor. And maybe answers. But definitely humor.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jul 11, 2020
TPT#307 - What We Know About What We Don't Know
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
When will we go back to work in our offices? Will George's change in Testosterone dose help his mood and functioning? When will our kids go back to school? Why does George's blood test show decreased kidney functioning? Is our new neighbor queer? So much uncertainty, but talking about it helps with the anxiety of it.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jun 27, 2020
TPT#306 - Worn Out Words
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
When new descriptive terms are championed by marginalized populations, the lifespan of those words is unknown. Eventually many of those words, however, become victims of the culture of marginalization and outlive their usefulness. Whether it's the change in language around ethnic minorities, gender and sexual minorities, or disability communities, it's important to be responsive to those changes to be respectful of the members of those populations. In other news, George's blood work indicates that he should increase his testosterone dosage, but getting to, and through, that blood work has been a challenge.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
TPT#305 - What Did They Do With Everybody?!
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
We believe that Black Lives Matter. Special needs parenting in a pandemic is somewhat prohibitive of attending marches or protests, so it's an odd feeling to be supportive from afar this round. That odd feeling, combined with the other oddities of our daily lives in quarantine, has caused George some strange stress dreams and given us cause to have discussions about our relationship that we've never needed to have before.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday May 30, 2020
TPT#304 - Georgy-Rigged
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
Many studies have shown that working from home can be more productive than at centralized locations like an office. Lately, lots of folks have been multi-tasking while working from home, and when we had an appliance repair that needed doing, George thought he'd be able to manage it without any trouble. The universe thought differently.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday May 16, 2020
TPT#303 - Muppety
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Because George is a civil servant, he is still working, even when gender makes things weird. Much of his job can be provided remotely, while simultaneously parenting and managing a challenging child's distance learning, but occasionally he does need to go to a place to do a thing. And of course, one place he had to go was a place where COVID-19 was confirmed just days thereafter.
Our collaboration policy is online at transpantastic.net/p/collaboration-and-anonymity.html.
Bob has a slightly smaller moustache than Sir Didymus, but the resemblance stands.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday May 02, 2020
TPT#302 - Dust To Dust
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
"A case of the Mondays" is the fictional ailment one might experience in an office job upon returning from a weekend. So why do George's Mondays seem longer now that he's working from home?
The Pronouns Song that Jess referenced can be found at youtube.com/watch?v=8Hb30PE1xgo.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
TPT#301 - From This Perspective.
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
It's George's 7th Manniversary! We talked about how things have changed over the past decade, as his hormones have changed, his body has changed, his brain has changed, and the way others perceive him has changed.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
TPT#300 - Everything Is COVIDy.
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Some months back, we thought it might be fun to plan something for our 300th episode. In the meanwhile, a global pandemic has basically cancelled all plans. George has been on testosterone for almost seven years, but survived an estrogen-dominated body and social standing for decades prior, so it still catches him off guard sometimes to be perceived as male, whether by others or by himself.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
TPT#299 - Your Right To F*ck Things Up Ends At My Front Door
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
While quarantined with a small human, George got to work mostly from home. Jess didn't, but they were only a little put out by it. Not only did Child#2's other mom decide to show back up after half a year starting drama again, but the boy decided to express curiosity about George's genitals. For previous notable instances of the "Dick Patrol", see Episode 100 and Episode 262.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Mar 07, 2020
TPT#298 - You Made Up That Reality
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Reality is, some people are transgender. But what that means to each trans person is highly subjective. We discussed the way our gender affects the ways we interact with one another and the world, how we live up to social norms and cultural expectations, and how we sometimes choose not to.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
TPT#297 - I'm Not Really The Creepy Guy
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
We went to Gallifrey One, as we do every year in February. We help out some behind the scenes, and pay attention to the ways the LGBTQIA+ community is welcomed into the con. Between bringing the pronoun ribbons, parenting from afar, noticing women having apprehensive reactions to George's (cis-passing but intentionally visibly trans) masculinity, and Jess noticing others' reactions to the gender-affirming bathroom signage, a queer time was had by all.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Feb 08, 2020
TPT#296 - Lady Bits
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
It often strikes George as slightly odd, how folks treat him now, compared to how they treated him prior to transition. It strikes him as downright bizarre, however, the excessively gendered ways in which they reinforce the genderedness of those interactions, especially after having had them pointed out. Whether it's at work, or at his endocrinologist, or at Jess' surgery, binary-minded cisgender people are weird.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jan 25, 2020
TPT#295 - It Sucks, But We're Here For You.
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Sometimes we have time and energy to devote to gender- and transition-related topics. Sometimes we have time and energy to use on our own personal development and enrichment. Other times, things like parenting take up all of our cognitive bandwidth. And with the challenges we've been experiencing recently, that parenting thing has gotten somewhat overwhelming.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jan 11, 2020
TPT#294 - I Was Awake And Didn't Mind It!
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
George has mentioned before that he suffers from depression, which is slightly more common among members of the LGBTQIA+ community, although the degree of prevalence and correlation varies according to supportiveness of family and community. We discussed his experiences as both a patient and practicing clinician in the mental health industry, the strategies he employs to lessen symptoms when depression worsens, and as the overlap between his gender dysphoria and his depression.
Note that George often refers to his gender dysphoria by only the word "dysphoria", which does have other psychological meanings related to depression or mental illnesses. In this discussion, he is referring specifically to the discomfort and distress related to the incongruity between his gender identity and his sex assigned at birth.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Dec 28, 2019
TPT#293 - Motherf*cker
Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Everyone has expectations of what their journey through adolescence will be like, and what the adult outcomes will be. For those of us who experience more than one puberty, we have more awareness of our prior expectations as we began our second adolescence. George explains what he thought would happen, and we discuss how that compares with what actually happened.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Dec 14, 2019
TPT#292 - Most Best
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
No, not "Be Best". That's hypocritical nonsense. George's gender is not hypocritical, and it's the most bestest thing in his whole world. Even with a trip to Chicago TARDIS, and seeing old friends, and getting deadnamed, and dealing with some of the more negative aspects of masculinity, transition is still his most best thing.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
TPT#291 - These Are All Experiments
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Jess is feeling some kind of way after TDOR, and not quite ready for Thanksgiving, so George reminds them of all the things we have to be thankful for.
We referenced:
- Gerry Brooks' "Teacher Spouse" bits, see one at facebook.com/watch/?v=837088456500750
- How we decided to put bizarre lawn ornaments in our yard, at transpantastic.net/2016/12/broken-string-all-gone.html
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Nov 16, 2019
TPT#290 - Funny Looking Lady
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
We have had some really strangely gendered interactions lately, and the only explanation we can come up with is that the cis are not okay. From George's clients to Jess' colleagues, cisgender folks focus on their own genders in ways we find baffling, and police our gender in ways that are just annoying.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Nov 02, 2019
TPT#289 - Hand-Me-Down Toilet Snake
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Is George having an easier time getting broken things fixed as a guy, than he would have before? And why do we have so freaking many broken things? George got a new prescription for the higher-concentration testosterone, and one week of lower-concentration testosterone clearly made him irritable again, so between all the broken things, and naughty kids, he's having a heck of a time.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Oct 19, 2019
TPT#288 - Don't Be That Dude
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
It still catches George off guard, on occasion, when he is treated like "just some dude". He wasn't raised with male socialization, so he still catches himself confused about expectations, even six years into transition. But observing other men, who were raised as male, and the disregard they seem to have had for others, makes both of us glad he knows what it's like to lack that privilege.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Oct 05, 2019
TPT#287 - Placebo Effect
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Some weeks back, George's HRT prescription was changed from 200mg/ml to 100mg/ml, basically doubling the dose to achieve the same amount of a more diluted testosterone shot. It wasn't ideal, but it was the option available to him at the time. But in the intervening weeks, he has been more irritable, and irritability can be a side effect of HRT. Is the testosterone making him cranky, or is it just the unrelenting nonsense?
The podcast we referenced is a Hidden Brain episode called "All The World's A Stage - Including The Doctor's Office", and it can be found at https://www.npr.org/2019/04/29/718227789/all-the-worlds-a-stage-including-the-doctor-s-office.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Sep 21, 2019
TPT#286 - Mild Psychological Warfare
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
The last time George took Child#2 to scout camp, he was very newly transitioned, and understandably concerned about how his trans status would affect the experience. George is planning to take Child#2 to scout camp again soon. Are the boy scouts more manageable than the cub scouts? Will his trans status be a problem this time?
- Episode #125 - "Hey Mom! It Works!! (Scout Camp, Part 1)"
- Episode #126 - "Eight Slices of Pizza (Scout Camp, Part 2)"
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Sep 07, 2019
TPT#285 - Axlotls
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Everyone has a personal reality, and it's much easier to function in the world if your own reality is at least similar to the reality of those around you. In Episode 78, George discussed how good it was to have someone validating that his reality was congruent with actual reality. Today we revisited that topic, discussing the realities of transition, coparenting with a toxic person, our kids' educational needs, and accessing healthcare as a nonbinary, fat, pseudo-femme person.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
TPT#284 - The Committee on Forming Committees
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
When George got his drivers license changed back in 2013, he needed a doctor's note and had two options. Many states are new increasing their number of options for documentation of gender, and Jess is finally getting their license changed too, with significantly fewer barriers to access. Now that they have an accurate identity document, how many other records will they be able to change, and will that initiative to make their own changes affect the larger system of recordkeeping statewide?
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Aug 10, 2019
TPT#283 - Acid and Cocaine
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
When George took Child#2 to the therapist this week, he made sure to address his supposed fears regarding gender as discussed last episode. Aside from some confusion that his other mom had likely caused by over-explaining in words and concepts that are above his cognitive level, he wasn't actually scared about gender. He was, however, using that as an attention-getting tactic with his other mom to cover for his fears regarding her physical and mental health.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jul 27, 2019
TPT#282 - Scared Of Gender
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
We knew that George's ex was going to start trouble again. Just like she will again after that, and again after that, in an unending cycle of attention-seeking false accusations until the child we coparent is grown, and probably even a few attempts thereafter. But what we didn't expect, was the issue she'd pick to make trouble over this time. Transgender parents often have to worry about custody concerns because of their transition, and we thought we'd dodged that bullet. We were wrong.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
TPT#280 - Wearing A TicTac
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
We went to San Francisco for Pride, but skipped Pride. Instead, we attended Trans March and Dyke March, and enjoyed ourselves on Cousin Vinnie's boat. Trans March was wonderful, Dyke March was super, and the houseboat was quite pleasant, but we also had Child#2 to manage, and that always makes things a little more challenging.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jun 29, 2019
TPT#280 - The Paragraph That Is Actually A List
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
What do we like about each other? Why are we still happy together after almost a decade? What is it about Jess that makes George's time and effort worthwhile? What is it about George that keeps Jess coming back home every night?
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
TPT#279 - Murray'd With Mehlk
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Communication is integral to a functioning relationship and a lasting marriage. After almost a decade together, you'd think we'd have figured out how to effectively discuss relational things like food, chores, or sex. And after six years of transition, you'd think we'd be able to successfully deal with things like HRT and sex. On both of these counts, you'd be wrong.
We are here to share our entire intersectional experience with anyone who finds it beneficial, but we want to know what you connect with the most. You can let us know by clicking to a one-question anonymous survey at vote.pollcode.com/32371374. If you have a request/suggestion that isn't listed, comment!
We can be found online at TransPanTastic.net, you can email us at TransPanTastic@gmail.com, and "TransPanTastic" is searchable on most social networks. We would love to hear from you, so let us know what you think or what you want to hear about!